Monday, September 24, 2012

Note from Kenny, Pictures coming soon!

Hope everyone enjoyed the summer.  Sounds like it has been the driest summer in a long time!  We have definitely adjusted well to the weather here!

We have a few things for everyone to be praying for us for at this time.

1)  This week, the week of 9/24/12, Karen and I  begin shadowing Josh and Vicki to learn our new jobs.  This will be awesome, but we are still in the middle of learning Spanish.  So, we will be pulling double duty for the next month or so.  Please pray for strength, energy and vision to see God shape us in this time

2)  We are so blessed that God has provided us a motorcycle, and now a house!  We move into our new home in the next week or so!  We are excited but  we need to paint the house before we move in, plus purchase all the appliances along with getting the internet hooked up (which can take 6 weeks with many, many visits to the Claro office in the next town over)! These are all great things to be doing and we are so thankful for God’s provision. But for us to do them while learning Spanish seems impossible. So we are trusting God, who takes delight in impossibilities!  Please pray for patience for Karen (she is ready for a home) and that our minds would stay clear and retain all we are learning.

3)  We are still searching for a car.  We have had a few potential cars but none has worked out.  We are looking for a diesel vehicle (way cheaper fuel than $6/gallon gasoline) that seats 7.   Please pray that God will open up a door for just the right car, and that we will be patient in the search for a car and the waiting. The other day we were on our moto carrying a mop,  2 brooms, bleach, laundry soap and two cans of paint! Very common here in Jarabacoa but new for us!

4) Please pray for energy! We are tired! We are eating and sleeping well- thank you Lord! But apparently when you are intensely learning a language along with relocating to a foreign country/culture it is normal to be tired!

Thank you all for your prayers and continued support!
Love you all!
Karen and I continue to pray for each of you! 


Pictures coming soon!