Monday, May 21, 2012

Almost there!

God's provision through His people has been amazing and humbling. We have raised our full start-up amount of $31,000 and need only $300 more in monthly commitments to be fully funded (which adds up to $10,800 for 3 years).  Our hope is to raise this final amount as soon as possible so we can leave on June 25th, only 5 weeks away.

Students International, the organization we will be serving with in the Dominican Republic, has just launched a great way to give online. If you are considering supporting us or have committed to supporting us monthly, this is an easy way to access the forms and give online.  Check it out! Here is the link:

Want to stay updated?  Subscribe to our blog and you will receive an email each time we post.  This will be our main form of communication while we are in the Dominican Republic.