Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Home Team!

Oh, my goodness! We have had an incredible summer and we an overwhelmed by God's grace and goodness showered on us during these past few months. In a few weeks we will have some time to fill you in but for now I just wanted to share about our team from our home church!

The minute they pulled on to the base I started to cry - I know, go figure! But I was overwhelmed by this sense of peace just knowing that we were going to be surrounded by people we have a history with, people who have known us through thick and thin, who know our character and who love us so much! And people that we love so much and have loved for many years! Some of the participants we have known since before they were a twinkle in their parents' eye! And they are now 18 or 19!

And how honored we were to be a part of their walk with God here in the Dominican Republic. The Holy Spirit was tangible and moving through their lives in a way that was fruitful and nourishing to all they came in contact with. We were so proud to be connected with our Cascade Covenant Team. Jesse, Kelly, Nikki, Shannon and Matt were phenomenal leaders, truly an example of dying to self for the sake of others, always serving and caring, leading and guiding their team members.

While they were here our life was full with our work and daily living but we were able to squeeze in many moments to visit and touch base. How encouraging to hear the stories of all that God has been doing since we have last seen everyone along with all that He was doing during their time here. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera pretty much every day so I only have a few pictures from their time here, although I know everyone else has tons they took!

Beginning on Tuesday, Kenny became so sick that he wasn't able to go to the base and actually remained in bed until just this morning. He went to the base to say good bye last night but is still not fully recovered. Turns out he had an amoeba! Yikes! But he got the medicine needed yesterday and he is already beginning to heal! All that being said, he was so bummed to miss time with the team. So he isn't in any of the pictures! Dios sabe!