Monday, July 9, 2012

From Karen

Wow, I can't believe we only have 4 more days before we head to Guatemala. The past two weeks have been difficult both emotionally and spiritually. I feel as though someone has taken a shovel into my soul and started to turn over the soil bringing all the yucky stuff to the surface. Thankfully, God is with me in this process. I have discovered so many things about myself that maybe I knew but couldn't quite articulate.

Sad to say, I've learned my default when I'm exhausted and haven't taken the time to "fill up" spiritually is to go back to that shame based person I was before I really understood who I am in Christ. I've also learned that I can run a long time on fumes from my empty tank but need to learn to refill before empty! Apparently, in the field in a foreign country this is something I will need to watch out for.

We talk a lot about suspending judgement here. Seems I oftentimes make assumptions about folks without having all the information. Makes me sad but I am now aware of this and learning how to overcome. Definitely something that will be necessary in a new culture.

They've done so much work here on understanding our reactions to different levels of stress, including the long term stress we will be under in the Dominican Republic. This has also been convicting but thankfully the folks here at MTI have helped us to understand ourselves and given us great tools to remain healthy and whole. When we were working on this, I found myself thinking, "You're kidding? We're actually voluntarily heading into more stress?" But God in His gentleness gives us His view and we are again filled with the surety of our call!

We have learned tons about conflict - all the unhealthy ways we approach and deal with conflict - and then they've given us tools to be healthy in conflict. Of course, we are hoping we never have to use those tools but we already have! Nevertheless, conflict still puts a pit in our stomachs.

And finally, we are learning to heed God's call to rest and restoration, along with understanding the Sabbath and its role in our lives. It has been amazing to learn all of this alongside of all these other missionaries. Thank you all for your prayers and your support especially these past few weeks and those leading up to our departure! 

He has shown you, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee. But to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
For me to walk humbly with God I need to set aside my pride and understand that rest is part of God's rhythm for my life!   
Love to you all,      Karen

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