Thursday, November 22, 2012

Noviembre 2012

Our third team was the Lift team out of New York! An incredible team that showered Students International DR with blessings beyond measure!

Kenny was sick at home with an amoeba the first 
5 days the Lift team was with us. During that time, they climbed Mogote, a mountain near Jarabacoa. The team 
just about ran up the mountain but I didn't even 
make it half way up! I guess I am going to 
have to get in shape if I want to keep this job!

God is always surprising us with insights into life here.

The team in downtown Jarabacoa. The store to the left is called La Concha. It has a little bit of this and that and a lot of flip-flops!

Rides in these trucks are one of Karen's highlights when teams are here!
We have discovered that the Dominican Republic is the land of keys and locks. 

These are the locks on our back door. Notice the dead bolt that only works with a key (on both sides) and the bottom latch that only opens from the inside

Now for the rest of my story....
    Kenny had been trying to mow our lawn for about 3 weeks. Teams, his amoeba and many other distractions prevented him from achieving his goal. Finally, the day came when he had some time and ran home to get his mowing in! I was at the base taking a quick nap at Mary Ellen's house before the team came back for our night time activity. 
     Our lawn mower is stored outside our back door, inside our back porch "caged" in area. Due to some recent robberies in the neighborhood everyone is extra careful about not leaving the house unlocked. So, Kenny, while outside in our enclosed porch area, took his keys and pulled the deadbolt closed (forgetting about the one latch that only opens from the inside). Soon he realized that he was locked out of the house. And then a moment later realized that the keys to the padlocks that would open the gates around the porch he was standing in were in the house on the table, along with his cell phone!
    This was not a good day! Kenny began to yell, and yell some more. Hans and Jamie Miller, SI missionaries that we serve with, live across the street from us. Our yard is walled in with a big gate across the driveway and so is their yard. "Jamie!" Jamie!" He yelled and yelled for about 10 minutes. After realizing that she probably wasn't home, he gave up yelling. 

Now comes Kenny's version... "What was I going to do? As I was sitting on a ledge inside the cage pondering this question, I heard the voice of 4 year old Wyatt, Hans and Jamie's son. So I began to yell, "Wyatt!" Wyatt!" Soon I heard a very nervous, "Yeahhhhhh?" I yelled for him to go get his mom. "It was really important!" Pretty soon I saw Jamie standing outside our locked driveway gate holding her baby yelling, "Where are you? I don't see you?" I explained that if she came to the gate and looked around the side of the house she would see me locked in the cage toward the back of the house. 

Jamie saved the day by going home, calling the base so they could find Karen and wake her up to come rescue me! Upon arriving Karen did her best to realize the serious of the situation. But it was difficult to keep a straight face. 
It was a very bad day for Kenny......but he did get the lawn mowed in spite of the rain pouring down and the thunder roaring!
"I want to go home!"

Wyatt Miller, the young man who ultimately led to the release of Kenny!

Kenny is always fascinated by the utilities!
And praising God that he is not putting in gas lines in Jarabacoa.
Kenny gathered together a bunch of our friends 
to celebrate my birthday!
I was overwhelmed by their kindness and love but I kept control 
and didn't cry even though I really wanted to!
So grateful for our dear friends here!

The restaurant is called Pizza and Pepperoni.
Kenny brought a bunch of bowls of popcorn so I could have my favorite food!

Friday night sleep over at the Miller's with semester students!

These students have been so patient and gracious with us as we figure out our roles with SI.

We gathered together to watch the movie "In the Time of the Butterflies" which is about the Mirabal sisters who played apart in Dominican History.

Kenny cooked us all French toast and we began to glimpse God's purpose in having us prepare our home for ministry.
We went to support Ron and Carol Lanier's daughter, Sarah as she participated in a Dominican kind of American Idol at the Catholic Church. Sarah moved on to the next level!!!

Two of our favorite people, Milly and Mary Ellen!

We went to the Mirabel Sister Museum and had the most incredible surprise! The sister who raised all the children after her three sisters died was there and we got to sit and visit with her!!! We felt as though we were experiencing a part of history. It was unbelievable!

Dede Mirabel.
What a beautiful smile!

I will express the memory of Your abundant goodness
And joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
O Lord, You are gracious and compassionate,
Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.
You are good to all,
and Your tender mercies are over all Your works.
From Psalm 145

Karen's favorita!

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