Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How do you say "Ooops" in espanol?

We just finished our first 2 groups  and it was an amazing experience.  We are so humbled that God has called us here and we can see how He has shaped us for so long to be tool in His shed.

While we had our 2nd group here,  from Virginia and New York, we have a night where we take the groups for a walk through the town to shop and then eat in a restaurant.  One of my jobs is to make the reservations and set every thing up.  Sure that I had completed my task well I continued on with my week doing all my other duties.

When the night came for shopping and dinner in the community we finished our shopping and headed by foot to the restaurant.  You can imagine my surprise, and pit in my stomach, when we arrived and the restaurant was completely closed for the night.  Did I mention I had a total of 30 people with me?

God's mighty hand was at work in all this though.  Our boss, Brian was meeting us to drop off something to me and upon seeing our dilemma he called a restaurant called Pizza and Pepperoni that was about 4 blocks away and immediately ordered lots of pizza.  By the time we walked up there we only had about 15 minutes left to wait so fortunately no one starved on my watch.

As Karen and I talked it became clear where the problem was.  I scheduled the restaurant for Jueves (which is Thursday in espanol) when actually dinner out was on Martes (which is Tuesday in espanol).   I actually do know the days of the week in espanol but simply had a brain fade.  As I said though, God was at work. Not only did God provide with our boss being in the area at just the right time, He also blessed us with such a great, gracious group of people.  This could have turned out so bad but actually God used it to draw our group closer, and we definitely made a memory.

All I can say is I can't wait to one day sit around a big dinner feast in heaven with that group and have a laugh as we relive it.  And I am sure God will say to each person in that group for their gracious spirit, "Well done"

So......  does anyone know how to say "Oooops" in espanol?


Betty from our second team with a sweet little girl at our social work site in El Callejon.

A birthday party at one of the preschools!

She definitely got her fill of cake!

One of the gracious women who shared pizza with us that evening!

One of the communities SI is actively bringing the hope of Christ to.

Preparing invitations to a wedding where seven couples who are now following Jesus have decided to marry!

Does my wife look like she belongs here?

Talk about cute! Our special education site is filled with love!

A cheerful SI preschool, bringing hope to the community.

On our way to Los Higos up in the hills! 

"Not another picture, Kenny!"

Sandlot baseball at our Boys' Club Social Work site.

Boys will be boys! Joe, a team member with the guys.

Christmas is a really big deal in the DR. Already preparing...

A home in the community of El Callejon.

Clothes dry so quickly here. New construction in El Callejon.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Love to read these updates. Feels like you're not as far away. :) Love you!
